Hi all! I'm considering getting set up on Pulumi ...
# aws
Hi all! I'm considering getting set up on Pulumi Crosswalk. My one hesitation is that I am worried it might be a "one-way door" that is hard to back out of and transition back to the normal aws provider. Anyone have experience starting with crosswalk but then transitioning eventually to more complex architecture?
Yes. It's not easy. And unfortunately, the hardest part (VPCs+subnets) is also the most useful feature of awsx.
they should really publish a guide for how to migrate off of it, even though it is definitely helpful on day 1
If you're able to create your VPC, subnets, NAT and routes using aws / aws-native, then I think you should. It makes several things easier, in more complex code.
I don't know if many people migrate off it. If you aren't interested in your NAT / route configuration, then awsx is all you'll ever need.
It's only a problem for that 0.01% that want to use complex routing and maintain their own NAT.
That's super helpful, thank you. I do not think I will be in that elite 0.01% like you
Not sure it's elite. It's just app requirements, and learning enough Pulumi to keep the infrastructure working!