Hi Team. Urgent help, please. Suddenly I got this ...
# general
Hi Team. Urgent help, please. Suddenly I got this error 😭
Copy code
error: could not load plugin for random provider 'urn:pulumi:sg-dev::Az-Trans-AKS::pulumi:providers:random::default_4_9_0': Could not automatically download and install resource plugin 'pulumi-resource-random' at version v4.9.0, install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install resource random v4.9.0`.
Underlying error: error downloading plugin random to file: failed to download plugin: random-4.9.0: 403 HTTP error fetching plugin from <https://get.pulumi.com/releases/plugins/pulumi-resource-random-v4.9.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz>
4.9.0 was yanked it had some critical bugs in it, please upgrade to 4.10.0
yes, I tried to upgrade to 4.10 but when it run it still tried to download 4.9
you might need to state edit for this... if you do
pulumi stack export > state.json
and replace any references of 4.9.0 to 4.10.0 then
pulumi stack import < state.json
that might work around it
This is an oddity where the engine trys to load the last provider used by a program even if it doesn't really need it anymore. Something we intend to fix.
Thanks for saving my life @echoing-dinner-19531 it is working now ❤️