when runnning `pulumi about` i get the following e...
# general
when runnning
pulumi about
i get the following error:
warning: Failed to get information about the Pulumi program's dependencies: failed to get modules: exit status 1
with -v=7 i can see i get:
I0210 11:56:35.288506 1326938 langruntime_plugin.go:348] langhost[go].GetProgramDependencies(proj=aws-cluster-0-stage,pwd=/home/hans/work/fiveteninfra/provider/aws/live/stage/aws-cluster-0-stage,program=.,transitiveDependencies=false) failed: err=failed to get modules: exit status 1
I think its this call that fails:
c.cc.Invoke(ctx, "/pulumirpc.LanguageRuntime/GetProgramDependencies", in, out, opts...)
which uses RPC I think, am I lacking some requirements ?
What do you get if you run
go list --json -m ...
in the program directory?
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go: can't match module patterns using the vendor directory
        (Use -mod=mod or -mod=readonly to bypass.)
ah well that's why, I'd need to go check some go docs to work out what that means though
hm, so pulumi gets confused when you vendor deps?
yeh seems it, I didn't think anyone was doing vendoring in Go anymore now that mod files were a thing
can that also be the reason it seems to use the "wrong" plugin versions? im using
<http://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3|github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3> v3.17.0
, but it selects:
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SelectCompatiblePlugin(..., kubernetes): selecting plugin 'kubernetes-3.24.0': best match
yeh probably
oh cool, ive been trying to figure that out for quite a while 🙂
couldnt make sense of the plugins being used
when I deleted the vendor directory, I dont get the error anymore, but get
No dependencies found
but I still can't quite figure out why it chooses plugin 3.24.0 of kubernetes:
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I0210 14:17:51.717238 1409869 plugins.go:165] gatherPluginsFromSnapshot(): plugin kubernetes 3.24.0 is required by first-class provider "urn:pulumi:euc1::aws-cluster-0-stage::fiveten:eksspotcluster:EksSpotClusterComponent$eks:index:Cluster$pulumi:providers:kubernetes::cluster-0-stage-eks-cluster-eks-k8s"
I0210 14:17:51.717253 1409869 plugins.go:165] gatherPluginsFromSnapshot(): plugin kubernetes 3.24.0 is required by first-class provider "urn:pulumi:euc1::aws-cluster-0-stage::fiveten:eksspotcluster:EksSpotClusterComponent$eks:index:Cluster$pulumi:providers:kubernetes::cluster-0-stage-eks-cluster-provider"
I0210 14:17:51.717264 1409869 plugins.go:165] gatherPluginsFromSnapshot(): plugin kubernetes 3.24.0 is required by first-class provider "urn:pulumi:euc1::aws-cluster-0-stage::fiveten:eksspotcluster:EksSpotClusterComponent$pulumi:providers:kubernetes::cluster-0-stage-k8sProvider"
when go.mod says:
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<http://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3|github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3> v3.17.0
I guess that comes from
pulumi stack export > something
then you can look at
and see the input to the urn has version 3.24.0
but I thought it was the SDK version that decided what plugin to use*
Go SDKs do an oddity where the version isn't hardcoded in but it tries to work it out based on how it was imported
So I think that's probably what's causing this
so getting from the stack inputs is a fallback if it cant find specific from imports?
also, its imported like this
k8s "<http://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3/go/kubernetes|github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3/go/kubernetes>"
is there any workarounds for getting consistent plugin versions across many computers?
It should be consistent if using go.mod files with fixed version numbers in them
We do use that, but the 3.24.0 plugin being downloaded does not match with the pulumi-kubernetes sdk in go.mod or go.sum
but we have been using vendored sdk's earlier, but no idea how it got 3.24.0, we never had that new version of pulumi-kubernetes*
yeh the old version might be in the stack state, and currently the engine tries to use those plugin versions as well. Wer're looking at changing that
is it like,
pluginVersion = if SDK.version > stack.resource.input-version then sdk.version else stack.resource.input-version
? just guessing 🙂
It loads both, then uses the old or new based on if it's doing updates or deletes