In cases where both AWS classic and AWS native off...
# aws
In cases where both AWS classic and AWS native offer the same thing, which would be better to use for new code?
AWS classic is our recommended provider for AWS at this stage
Because it is more stable?
at this stage yes, we expect that to change as time goes on. In any case, but will be supported fully
Do you think there might come a time when it is recommended over classic? Would it be a bad idea for me to use it for less critical features to future-proof them?
you don’t really need to future proof, but we’ll recommend native over classic when the resource footprint is higher
anything you implment in classic will be supported fully, so no future proofing required
Ok great, thank you!
Agree with @billowy-army-68599, and want to add some points: • Native is stable enough to use, that’s not a problem • Native is built on Cloud Control which is “the future” and allows us to autogenerate it. However, not all AWS services and resources are modeled in CC yet, which is one major reason our native provider isn’t GA yet.