Hey guys! How can I use a specific plugin resource...
# general
Hey guys! How can I use a specific plugin resource version? I have this plugin in my ~/.pulumi/plugins repo:
Copy code
xyz         resource  0.0.40        26 MB   50 minutes ago  36 seconds ago
But when I do pulumi up I get these messages:
Copy code
warning: resource plugin xyz is expected to have version >=0.0.19, but has 0.0.1; the wrong version may be on your path, or this may be a bug in the plugin
    warning: resource plugin xyz is expected to have version >=0.0.40, but has 0.0.1; the wrong version may be on your path, or this may be a bug in the plugin
Why does it expect 0.0.19? And how can I make it point to the version I have locally?
It looks like you need to make sure that you're building the plugin with the VERSION property, and also putting that in the schema.json file. I think some of our boilerplates do this for you automatically. This warning indicates that the SDK was generated for one version (each SDK embeds a version number), and the plugin binary is reporting to the engine that it's a different version. Is your provider open source so I could take a look at how it's set up?
Also this normally happens because you have "pulumi-resoruce-xyz" on PATH (usually in ~/go/bin because go just loves to put everything in a global folder)