Hey peeps, quick question on exporting resource. ...
# general
Hey peeps, quick question on exporting resource. I am trying to export CustomResource from one stack to another for the purpose of using its data in the construction of another CustomResource. So; Stack1 has Res1, I would like to export it, but it remains managed in stack 1 Stack2, import Res1 as it is needed to construct Res2 I know i can export/import string, but what i would like is for Res1 to be a "Res1" in Stack2, not a json payload of metadata to keep the code dealing with resource object in a ubiquitous fashion. is there an easy way to that. I find my self having some issue reconstructing the object. Thanks!
Check out this page and see if it's what you're looking for https://www.pulumi.com/learn/building-with-pulumi/stack-references/
Thank, yes I have, but this only deals with string. Which is pretty trivial to do. What I am looking for more for something like
pulumi.export("myBucket", a_bucket)
and then import that into another stack as a aws.s3.Bucket so I can use the object in the creation of other resource
While you can output then entire JSON for an object, you might be better off using strings with getters in your other plan. e.g.
Copy code
const sharedStack = new pulumi.StackReference("my/stack/reference");
const logBucketId = sharedStack.getOutput("logBucketId");

const logBucket = aws.s3.Bucket.get("log-bucket", logBucketId)
got it, so there is no "official way" to import a managed Resource. I can appreciate the difficulty of management ownership. I did try to use the
feature of CustomResource, by only exporting the minimum info for a remote lookup, but given that one deals in
and the
seems to be "right now" I seem to have hit a bit of a wall
to expand on my use case, I wanted to create some code that was somewhat generic to either internal or external (for the stack) usage of a resource in the creation of another
Your custom resource definition should probably be in a package that you can install across both stacks, then passing references and reconstructing the resource component may feel more natural.
interesting, is there an example of that somewhere i could read, or what part of the doc would lead me to that approach?
You'll want to use patterns, tools and best practices for the language ecosystem you're working in.
interesting, thank you, I may have to rewrite some stuff after reading, kicking my self for not having found this sooner 😄
Hey, it happens, and Pulumi is pretty new, best practices are still emerging.
As an example... there are also "Pulumi packages", but this might be more complex https://www.pulumi.com/blog/resource-methods-for-pulumi-packages/
Here's a blog post about the concept at a high-level.
upon closer inspection, I am doing a version of this, but mostly for already constructed Resource to keep import and export as programmatic as I can (no hard-coded resource name or offband knowledge) to use resource from another stack as information.
so I just got it working, what would be the best channel to discuss the pattern in general I am using for this to see if the Experts could poke holes it in 😄?
also Thank you for all the help!