Hi, I'm getting a weird issue when running pulumi ...
# general
Hi, I'm getting a weird issue when running pulumi up, the same build succeeded last week and suddenly started giving this error. I am not using AspNetCore in my project at all. Any ideas?
Copy code
You must install or update .NET to run this application.
    Architecture: x64
    Framework: '<http://Microsoft.AspNetCore.App|Microsoft.AspNetCore.App>', version '5.0.0' (x64)
    .NET location: C:\Program Files\dotnet\
    The following frameworks were found:
      3.1.4 at [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\<http://Microsoft.AspNetCore.App|Microsoft.AspNetCore.App>]
      3.1.6 at [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\<http://Microsoft.AspNetCore.App|Microsoft.AspNetCore.App>]
      3.1.20 at [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\<http://Microsoft.AspNetCore.App|Microsoft.AspNetCore.App>]
      3.1.32 at [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\<http://Microsoft.AspNetCore.App|Microsoft.AspNetCore.App>]
      6.0.5 at [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\<http://Microsoft.AspNetCore.App|Microsoft.AspNetCore.App>]
      6.0.13 at [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\<http://Microsoft.AspNetCore.App|Microsoft.AspNetCore.App>]
    Learn about framework resolution:
    To install missing framework, download:

    error: an unhandled error occurred: Program exited with non-zero exit code: 2147516566
What version of Pulumi are you using?
3.54. I've also tried running the same build with 3.53.1, which succeeded last week and then started failing, same version and everything
Oh I meant your dotnet project, which version pulumi does it reference from nuget
gotcha. It's using Pulumi.Azure 4.6.0, Pulumi.AzureAD 5.5.0, and Pulumi.AzureNative 1.35.0
Can you try adding an explicit package reference to Pulumi 3.54: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Pulumi/3.54.0
same error
Very odd because we don't use version 5 of the dotnet runtime 😐
yeah...and with no changes to pulumi versions or packages or code...why would it start failing randomly? Something outside of my project must have changed but i dont know what
I'd guess your project has an un-pinned dependency on something which has updated and now depends on aspnet 5. I don't think this a Pulumi issue per-se as opposed to just a dotnet issue. You might have some luck with something like dotnet depends to find what's pulling in AspNetCore.
Alright, thanks, I'll try to troubleshoot the dependencies