Hi, I'm unable to figure how to convert efsid as S...
# golang
Hi, I'm unable to figure how to convert efsid as String, any thoughts or pointers?
Copy code
//vFS *efs.FileSystem
//efsid pulumi.Output

	volumes := []string{}
	all := pulumi.All(vFS.ID())
	efsid := pulumi.All(all).ApplyT(
		func(args []interface{}) pulumi.StringOutput {
			return pulumi.Sprintf("%v", all)
	// Below append doesnt work. 
	volumes = append(volumes, `"efs-data": {
		"name": "efs-data",
		"efsVolumeConfiguration": {
			"fileSystemId": "`+efsid+`",    // <<<<< HERE
			"rootDirectory": "/mnt/efs"
you can’t append an output to a string in this way, you’ll need to create the string inside the apply. If you look at the types here, efsid is still a
ok, let me try creating string inside apply call.