Okta OAuth app loses assignements when updating to...
# general
Okta OAuth app loses assignements when updating to add a second group Hey everyone, I have the following code to add 2 groups to the same app. In the preview it only shows the change for the group creation and the group assignment... however when I did the up, pulumi removed the first group from the app and left only the new one.. manually add the group to the app in okta but now every time i do a pulumi up, the group is removed... any ideas?
export const Group = new okta.group.Group(
name: config.appName,
description: config.appName,
{ ignoreChanges: ["users"] }
export const AdminGroup = new okta.group.Group(
name: config.adminGroupName,
description: config.adminGroupName,
{ ignoreChanges: ["users"] }
const app = new okta.app.OAuth(
grantTypes: ["authorization_code", "refresh_token", "implicit"],
label: config.appName,
redirectUris: config.redirectUris,
postLogoutRedirectUris: config.postLogoutRedirectUris,
refreshTokenRotation: "ROTATE",
responseTypes: ["code", "token", "id_token"],
tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "none",
type: "browser",
pkceRequired: true
ignoreChanges: ["users", "groups"],
customTimeouts: {
create: "5m",
delete: "60m",
update: "60m",