Hello, is there a pulumi package to support Apache...
# general
Hello, is there a pulumi package to support Apache Cloudstack and VMWARE Tanzu (i saw Vspehere in the docs but not Cloud)?
For what part of Tanzu are you seeking support? For example, if you’re looking to deploy things onto TKG, then the existing Kubernetes provider may be sufficient. Can you provide more details on what you want to accomplish?
we have built a commercial product using automation api in the backend and have already enabled aws-classic, azure-native (qmcloud.io) . One of our prospect is asking for VMWARE Cloud based cloud infra deployment using our No Code tech. We use the pulumi packages so the question was which package to use (we need components, resources etc...)
Cool, thank you for the additional context. However, I would still need to know exactly what “VMware Cloud” refers to…are we talking about VMware Cloud on AWS? VMware vCloud Director? There are multiple things that could be referenced here. Same goes for Tanzu…are you referring to Tanzu Kubernetes Grid? Tanzu Application Services? Tanzu Mission Control? In general, vSphere is pretty well supported, but beyond that there isn’t a lot of support (this is true across all IaC platforms).
Ok. Thanks Scott. We are waiting to hear more on this but the initial info we have gotten is vsphere based private dc/ cloud and no vmw on aws or azure. We will try the vsphere package.
Sounds good---let us know if we can assist further!