What channel is most appropriate to post a questio...
# general
What channel is most appropriate to post a question about Pulumi's GitHub Actions (pulumi/actions@v4)?
I think here is fine.
We would like to incorporate the Pulumi Actions into our CI/CD workflow. I looked through the examples but could not find a way set a variable for our "stack-name". We would like to use GitHub Environments to help trigger deployments with Pulumi. Right now the only way I can get our action to work is by hardcoding a stack-name.
Copy code
- uses: pulumi/actions@v4
          work-dir: fargate/infra
          command: preview
          stack-name: acmecorp/mystack/dev
We would like to have stage and prod deployments use GitHub Actions.
You can use a regular Github Actions variable to make the stack name dynamic. There’s no special Pulumi support required. It would look something like this:
Copy code
stack-name: ${{ env.stack }}
Thank you.
or use inputs, those are basic mechanisms of github actions