Has anyone tried to create Pulumi Packages with th...
# typescript
Has anyone tried to create Pulumi Packages with the typescript boilerplate? https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-component-provider-ts-boilerplate I am getting a
403 HTTP error fetching plugin from
when attempting to access my plugin from an pulumi example file....
I have follow the read "build and test" in order to test it:
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# Build and install the provider
make install_provider

# Regenerate SDKs
make generate

# Ensure the pulumi-provider-fmp-deployment script is on PATH
$ export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/bin

# Test Node.js SDK
$ make install_nodejs_sdk
$ cd examples/simple
$ yarn install
$ yarn link @pulumi/fmp-deployment
$ pulumi stack init test
$ pulumi config set aws:region us-east-1
$ pulumi up
can you share the full error?
`error: Could not automatically download and install resource plugin 'pulumi-resource-fmp-deployment' at version v0.0.1, install the plugin using
pulumi plugin install resource fmp-deployment v0.0.1
Underlying error: error downloading plugin fmp-deployment to file: failed to download plugin: fmp-deployment-0.0.1: 403 HTTP error fetching plugin from <https://get.pulumi.com/releases/plugins/pulumi-resource-fmp-deployment-v0.0.1-darwin-amd64.tar.gz>
We indeed have problems with installing packages, sometimes it works sometimes it does not. So far pulumiverse has broken many times for us https://github.com/pulumiverse/pulumi-sentry
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Error: code: -2
   stderr: Command failed with exit code 255: pulumi preview --diff --parallel 2147483647 --exec-agent pulumi/actions@v4 --color always --exec-kind auto.local --event-log /tmp/automation-logs-preview-UAsr1R/eventlog.txt --stack bluecodecom/bcx-dev --non-interactive
  [resource plugin sentry-0.0.4] installing
  error: Could not automatically download and install resource plugin 'pulumi-resource-sentry' at version v0.0.8, install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install resource sentry v0.0.8`.
  Underlying error: error downloading plugin sentry to file: failed to download plugin: sentry-0.0.8: 403 HTTP error fetching plugin from <https://get.pulumi.com/releases/plugins/pulumi-resource-sentry-v0.0.8-linux-amd64.tar.gz>
Something keeps redirecting to
I am pretty sure
pulumi plugin install
does not check the
, for
it works if you specify the server
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pulumi plugin install resource sentry vX.Y.Z --server <github://api.github.com/pulumiverse>
The thing that sometimes fails and sometimes works is when the plugin is installed as a part of
npm install
(or equivalent)
Is possible to do use ADO as a repo instead of github?