Hi there! I sent a (relatively small) pull request...
# general
Hi there! I sent a (relatively small) pull request a bit over a week ago, and haven’t heard anything back yet. Is there anything I can do to help it along? https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pull/12261
Ah we we're all off last week, and it probably just hasn't been caught up with everything this week.
aha! no rush, I’m just used to excellent service from y’all 😄
Hey y'all, still no response on this pr. Can I do something to make it easier and/or more appealing to review?
Not sure how this got missed. I'll ping operations for the week that this needs a look at.
Hey @echoing-dinner-19531 I’m sorry to be That Guy, but I’d really like to know if it’s possible to land this patch. To kind of show why I’m being a bother about it, here’s what the diff preview looks like for my real monitoring stack. Only the Grafana Docker image tag is a real diff, and the rest is just Pulumi getting confused because I’m exporting
instances from my stack. The “fake” diff throws me off every time even though I’m used to it, and it’s even worse for my team members, who aren’t really interested in what’s happening and just want it to work. They end up pinging me to ask if the diff looks okay every single time they need to apply something 😅 I could just patch it in our own repo, but I figure I’m not the only person in the world to encounter this issue, so I’d really like it to land upstream 😄
😞 sorry about this. I did nudge operations to review this when you last asked, not clear how this didn't get picked up. I'll have a look at this today.
No worries! It just got a review so I’m happy 😄 thanks!