Is there a way to add a new version to a Secret in...
# azure
Is there a way to add a new version to a Secret in KeyVault? If I use azure-native.keyvault.Secret it throughs an error saying "cannot create already existing resource". Can't see anything that allows me to just add a new version
Copy code
var secret = new Secret($"keyname", new SecretArgs
            Properties = new SecretPropertiesArgs
                Attributes = new SecretAttributesArgs
                    Enabled = true,
                Value = "SecretValue",
            SecretName = "keyname",
            ResourceGroupName = configResourceGroup.Name,
            VaultName = vault.Name,
We don’t have that capability since Pulumi is mostly a control plane tool (managing Key Vaults) whereas as secrets inside a Key Vault are considered data plane. We provide the methods to create new secrets to make common scenarios easier. For further interaction with secrets you would use Azure’s client libraries.
OK thanks for that, will take that approach