I tried the code from this page yesterday, <https:...
# getting-started
I tried the code from this page yesterday, https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/crosswalk/aws/elb/. However, I couldn't get it to work.
pulumi up
was complaining about export. I tried creating it as a typescript as well as javascript. Both failed. It does look like it's a javascript code. Any ideas?
That's typescript. Are you overriding the typescript runtime configuration? There's nothing odd about that example. What error are you getting? And which example are you trying?
I'm retrying it now
All I did yesterday was execute
pulumi new aws-typescript
. Then I copied the code from that page and placed it all on index.ts. Then I ran pulumi up
one sec
Here is the output of pulumi preview
Copy code
$ pulumi preview
Previewing update (dev-ts):
     Type                 Name      Plan       Info
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack  t-dev-ts  create     1 error

  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (t-dev-ts):
    error: Running program '/usr/local/src/repos/IaC/t/' failed with an unhandled exception:
    TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
    index.ts(53,1): error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
    index.ts(5,1): error TS2309: An export assignment cannot be used in a module with other exported elements.
    index.ts(9,28): error TS2339: Property 'getDefault' does not exist on type 'typeof Vpc'.
    index.ts(10,27): error TS2339: Property 'SecurityGroup' does not exist on type 'typeof import("/usr/local/src/repos/IaC/t/node_modules/@pulumi/awsx/ec2/index")'.
    index.ts(21,24): error TS2339: Property 'createListener' does not exist on type 'ApplicationLoadBalancer'.
    index.ts(40,36): error TS2339: Property 'securityGroups' does not exist on type 'ApplicationLoadBalancer'.
    index.ts(40,55): error TS7006: Parameter 'sg' implicitly has an 'any' type.
    index.ts(47,13): error TS2339: Property 'attachTarget' does not exist on type 'ApplicationLoadBalancer'.
    index.ts(52,27): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'listener'.
I replaced index.ts with the code below
Copy code
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
import * as awsx from "@pulumi/awsx";
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";

export = async () => {
  const config = new pulumi.Config("aws");
  const providerOpts = { provider: new aws.Provider("prov", { region: <aws.Region>config.require("region") }) };
  // Create a security group to open ingress to our load balancer on port 80, and egress out of the VPC.
  const vpc = awsx.ec2.Vpc.getDefault();
  const sg = new awsx.ec2.SecurityGroup("web-sg", {
      // 1) Open ingress traffic to your load balancer. Explicitly needed for NLB, but not ALB:
      // ingress: [{ protocol: "tcp", fromPort: 80, toPort: 80, cidrBlocks: [ "" ] }],
      // 2) Open egress traffic from your EC2 instance to your load balancer (for health checks).
      egress: [{ protocol: "-1", fromPort: 0, toPort: 0, cidrBlocks: [ "" ] }],

  // Creates an ALB associated with the default VPC for this region and listen on port 80.
  // 3) Be sure to pass in our explicit SecurityGroup created above so that traffic may flow.
  const alb = new awsx.lb.ApplicationLoadBalancer("web-traffic", { securityGroups: [ sg ] });
  const listener = alb.createListener("web-listener", { port: 80 });
  const publicIps: pulumi.Output<string>[] = [];
  const subnets = await vpc.publicSubnets;

  // For each subnet, and each subnet/zone, create a VM and a listener.
  for (let i = 0; i < subnets.length; i++) {
      // 4) Create the instance in the same VPC, passing in the security group with egress rule.
      const vm = new aws.ec2.Instance(`web-${i}`, {
          ami: aws.getAmi({
              filters: [
                  { name: "name", values: [ "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-trusty-14.04-amd64-server-*" ] },
                  { name: "virtualization-type", values: [ "hvm" ] },
              mostRecent: true,
              owners: [ "099720109477" ], // Canonical
          }).then(ami => ami.id),
          instanceType: "t2.micro",
          subnetId: subnets[i].subnet.id,
          availabilityZone: subnets[i].subnet.availabilityZone,
          vpcSecurityGroupIds: alb.securityGroups.map(sg => sg.securityGroup.id),
          userData: `#!/bin/bash
  echo "Hello World, from Server ${i+1}!" > index.html
  nohup python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 &`,
        }, providerOpts);
        // 5) Attach your load balancer's target group the target EC2 instance(s).
        alb.attachTarget("target-" + i, vm);

  // Export the resulting URL so that it's easy to access.
  export const endpoint = listener.endpoint.hostname;
oh look slike it's missing curly brace
so something is wrong with the code from the other page
I've never seen that
export = async () {
syntax before. I removed that and sorted the trailing
and it's good.
That might be for importing modules and having the code run on import? Sounds like a bad idea for IaC. Use classes. ComponentResources, for example.
got it