Have anyone used github action with pulumi? If I h...
# getting-started
Have anyone used github action with pulumi? If I have 6 project, and each project have about 10 stacks. How do I setup my CI to check for all the changes? Seems I have to ran pulumi up for all stack in each project?
It might be work looking at Pulumi Deployments: https://pulumi-community.slack.com/archives/CB36DSVSA/p1680103635675449
After reading this. I think this is doc on how deployment can happen in Pulumi. I dont think my question is answer from the doc. If I want to do git push deploy. Is that means every single stack in each project needs to be deploy separately? means I need to setup something for each of them?
So right now, I have a deployment configuration per stack that I had to set up in the UI. The config has things like the repo and branch to watch, the subdirectory to run pulumi up within, and the OIDC configuration specifying which AWS role the deploy executor should assume. Soon, when pulumi releases the python sdk provider I will configure all this within a separate pulumi stack so I don’t have to do it in the UI. Once set up, the GitHub integration automatically watches for PRs against the specified branch and runs preview for each commit. Then it runs pulumi up on every commit on the target branch (so once the PR is merged).
Good know, thanks. a fellow question will be, do you run
pulumi up
on every stack for every commit? or how do you detect changes? I am thinking if I have to do it per stack, I am using github action, it will be a matter of copy paste smiler pipeline setups.
So with Pulumi Deployments it runs pulumi up on every commit to the target branch. It runs pulumi preview on every commit on a PR branch against the target branch.