A pricing question... If I understand it correctly...
# getting-started
A pricing question... If I understand it correctly, the pricing per hour means: as long as your config exists in Pulumi, you'll pay for every hour it sits there. No matter if it is used or not. So would it make sense to remove the project when the development phase of an application is over, and no changes in the infrastructure will be expected?
as long as your config exists in Pulumi,
Just resource state, config isn't charged for.
So would it make sense to remove the project when the development phase of an application is over, and no changes in the infrastructure will be expected?
It might, you'd save some direct costs but incur extra development costs if changes are then needed and you need to recreate and reimport the project.
To be fair I think that nobody understands the new pricing model. I tried to calculate the price based on the number of resources but it was completely different than what is billed.
Yeah... Well, as far as I can see it, the 150K free credits are more than I need. But before proposing using Pulumi to our management, I need more clarity about the costs. Apart from that, I really like the tool.
I tried to calculate the price based on the number of resources but it was completely different than what is billed.
Maybe we need a calculator on the website for this... it should be a pretty simple "resources * hours * credit cost - credit discount"
Also, what I discovered today: because I was playing around I left a lot of resources on the server that I wasn't aware of. By renaming a project, the old project will still be there and count resources. And I couldn't find a way of cleaning that up on the website. I needed to recreate the pulumi yaml files in order to be able to delete the stacks. But I keep saying: I love the tool.
hmm yeh clearly a bit risky making state deletion too easy, but maybe the webui ought to give a "delete this stack/project" button to just delete all the state. Could copy the github style of popping up a confirmation of "write the full project name to confirm this". Would give an easy way to clean up in cases like this. cc @lemon-agent-27707
You can run
pulumi stack rm --stack org/project/stack --force
in order to delete a stack without having the project file. Note!!! This will remove the stack, but not delete any of the resources within your underlying cloud provider (aws/azure) accounts. There is also
pulumi stack rename
to rename a stack and the project it is listed under.