Hi All, Im creating a managed cluster with a keyv...
# azure
Hi All, Im creating a managed cluster with a keyvault in Pulumi csharp and struggling to retrieve the clientID from the ManagedCluster AddonProfile Heres my AddonProfile creation:
Copy code
AddonProfiles =
                { "azureKeyvaultSecretsProvider", new Pulumi.AzureNative.ContainerService.V20220902Preview.Inputs.ManagedClusterAddonProfileArgs
                    Config =
                        { "enableSecretRotation", "true" },
                    Enabled = true,
                } },
Originally I had
AzureKVObjectId = cluster.AddonProfiles.Apply(x => x["azureKeyvaultSecretsProvider"].Identity.ClientId);
which worked but has since stopped working with a NullReferenceException. Any idea on the correct way to retrieve the ObjectID of the identity that this creates? Thanks!