Hello here, I have a strange situation where a res...
# kubernetes
Hello here, I have a strange situation where a resource in my production cluster has been deleted, but the Pulumi stack is not in sync. During the GitHub actions, I made a refresh before the up, but nothing worked. The refresh hasn’t fixed the stack state, so the refresh finished well, but the up ended up with an error saying that:
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kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment app1_appDeployment updating (0s) [diff: ~spec]
   ~  kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment app1_appDeployment updating (0s) [diff: ~spec]; error: update of resource apps/app1-deployment failed because the Kubernetes API server reported that it failed to fully initialize or become live: deployments.apps "app1-deployment" not found
   ~  kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment app1_appDeployment **updating failed** [diff: ~spec]; error: update of resource apps/app1-deployment failed because the Kubernetes API server reported that it failed to fully initialize or become live: deployments.apps "app1-deployment" not found
  @ updating.....
      pulumi:pulumi:Stack apps-pl-app1-production running error: update failed
      pulumi:pulumi:Stack apps-pl-app1-production **failed** 1 error
I cannot delete the stack because the other resources are there and I can’t lose the production, but the stack cannot recreate app1 deployment. I tried editing the stack file manually, but since there are resources depending on such missing app1_appDeployemnt I don’t know what solution I can use. Any idea 🙏?
Was the resource deleted manually? I’d have thought a refresh would’ve fixed it. I’ve seen similar errors with my stacks where the pod still exists in k8s in the deleting state for a long time so pulumi thinks it’s already there, but never seen the problem you’ve got
The pod was deleted when K8s was trying to recreate, unfortunately the pod was then deleted but the pulumi state file was not updated properly so now, I have the production pod deleted, all the other production resources live, but I can’t restore the deleted pod using a refresh nor a up and I don’t know how to solve the issue unfortunately
You could try temporarily removing the dependsOn dependencies in tbe code, running a pulumi up, deleting the resource from state then adding the dependsOn back and running pulumi up again?
I’ll try for sure! Thanks a lot for the suggestion. I’ll let you know how it will go
Hey @victorious-church-57397 your suggestion worked like a charm. Thanks a lot for your suggestion!