Hey, I'm using Pulumi to deploy an EKS cluster and...
# kubernetes
Hey, I'm using Pulumi to deploy an EKS cluster and install some Helm charts on it. Everything is working when I run Pulumi using the CLI on my laptop but since last week, Pulumi preview stopped working on Github actions with the following error: “kubernetes: helm.sh/v3:Release (helm-chart-name): error: could not get server version from Kubernetes: the server has asked for the client to provide credentials”. Any clues?
could you double check your K8s provider and make sure it's not using outdated credentials
Thanks, already checked that. The k8s provider kubeconfig is ok, and i can run a preview from my local using the cli but from github actions fails
does the github runner itself still have permissions to authenticate to the cluster? e.g. if you run a plain
kubectl get po
command from the runner does it succeed?
Yes, i can run that command and get the output
can you share your provider configuration and helm code?
Copy code
kubeConfig, err := cluster.GetKubeconfig(ctx, &eks.ClusterGetKubeconfigArgs{
			ProfileName: pulumi.String(profileName),
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

k8sProvider, err := kubernetes.NewProvider(ctx, clusterResName, &kubernetes.ProviderArgs{
			Kubeconfig: kubeConfig,
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

_, err := helm.NewRelease(ctx, name, &helm.ReleaseArgs{
			Chart:     pulumi.String(chart.Name),
			Version:   pulumi.String(chart.Version),
			Namespace: pulumi.String(chart.Namespace),
			RepositoryOpts: helm.RepositoryOptsArgs{
				Repo: pulumi.String(chart.Repo),
		}, pulumi.Provider(k8sProvider))
		if err != nil {
			return err
I think it is something related to how aws profiles are managed, but not sure what the problem is yet
if the kubeConfig specifies an AWS_PROFILE then your runner will need that same profile to be available. Or it will need to be excluded from the provider you created
yeah, I have a profile with the same name on github actions