Hello guys, I've been trying to create a GCP dns r...
# general
Hello guys, I've been trying to create a GCP dns record set by using a dns_authorization data, with this code Trying to create the dns_authorization entries 'CNAME', fails with this error -
* Error creating DNS RecordSet: googleapi: Error 400: Invalid value for 'entity.change.additions[_<http://acme-challenge.gcp.foo.bar.io|acme-challenge.gcp.foo.bar.io>.][CNAME].name': '_<http://acme-challenge.gcp.foo.bar.io|acme-challenge.gcp.foo.bar.io>.', invalid
I redacted some data from the code but it should be pretty similar Did anyone encounter such issue before? Or knows what this means? Documentation about it is pretty bleak