:robot_face: Is there anyway to use Pulumi ai to g...
# getting-started
🤖 Is there anyway to use Pulumi ai to generate local files instead of running as i iterate conversationally similar to the web ui? See 🧵
I have 3.5 turbo access with api key and figured maybe I could experiment locally that way. Web print out with go verbosity is a bit slow. Didn’t see any dialogue style output with the cli tool though so didn’t know how closely it’s tied to the web version of your site. If not do you have code for your base prompt when Go SDK in chat is selected? I found the cli code but it’s not what I want. I’d like to see what prompting you’ve designed. I know chatGPT didn’t know about yamlschema for example and gave fake results. Your web ui didn’t. If this belongs in a different channel please let me know 🙏
We have a local tool for TypeScript here: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-ai We'd welcome contributions on this project to support generating and running Go!
Oh I get it. Based on the base prompts it’s only for typescript code generation. That sorta answers what I needed. What about getting your system /base prompts for the web ui with Go. I want to run chatGPT and provided those in the prompt to guide it more towards what you’ve already got it running.
We have a blog post coming out shortly describing some of the changes we're doing there. We however are using dynamic prompts which inject information from the registry; so you'll have a hard time reproducing what the AI site returns.
I can recommend Brex's prompt engineering work: https://github.com/brexhq/prompt-engineering Or referencing the prompt we use in the pulumi-ai as a baseline.
Is it OSS? I want to jump start a few of my tests even if it’s not perfect. That would let me see how you are guiding it.
I want primarily the Go prompt and for now if you dynamically object azure devops provider guidance that part. Not a big deal though. Thanks for helping 👍
The prompt for each of our languages is approximately the same, just with a different language requested; GPT has a fairly good understanding of each of the supported languages prior to the training cutoff.