Can I use pulumi deployments automation to up/down...
# automation-api
Can I use pulumi deployments automation to up/down stacks sourced from a repo in something other than GitHub? in my case Az DevOps. Thanks!
Hi! You can use the generic git source which will allow you all the functionality except push-to-deploy.
So you will still be able to click to deploy in the UI or use the API to create deployments.
Oh! Have you got a link to an example please?
not of the UI, just of the generic git side of the pulumi deployments part.
There are multiple ways to set deployment settings. Here's an example using the API: Here's one using the pulumiservice provider: Some examples of what your payload should look like if you're using generic git auth:
You can also set all of these settings in the UI by choosing 'Git' instead of 'GitHub' as the source control option
thank you - that’s plenty to go on, I appreciate your help!