<@UK4HNFLCB> thank you for your invite to maintain...
# pulumiverse
@limited-rainbow-51650 thank you for your invite to maintain the buildkite provider! 🙂 is there anthing i need to be aware of/take care of when it comes to releasing the provider, and publishing the sdks (npm, nuget, pypi) within the pulumiverse org?
Hello @worried-energy-90920, first of all our apologies for not following up properly. As you can see in my previous message in this channel, we dropped the ball on this one. You identified correctly that, after accepting the provider repo from Grapl Security (
), there was no release yet under the Pulumiverse brand. For Pulumiverse, we seek consistent package naming and identified that in the
repo (https://github.com/pulumiverse/infra/blob/main/README.md#package-registries). If you use this naming, publishing the corresponding SDK packages works because we have organization level Github Actions secrets configured for the package registries. When blocked on something, this channel is the best place to ask. I hope this gets you started.
For the Github Release workflow, we do not configure a pre-generated
but rely on the auto-generated token, only leveraging the Github Actions Permissions model. Your workflow should contain these 2 lines for the creation of a github release works: https://github.com/pulumiverse/pulumi-aquasec/blob/e7ad75c30675aaef7cf5310c7581a189b2c6ac29/.github/workflows/release.yaml#L7-L8
awesome, thanks - that should help to get started, and a first release out soon! 👍🏻 no worries though - i do understand there are a bunch of providers in this org and sometimes this can happen… at least we got it all figured out and i‘m happy to support and take over the maintenance of this provider. 🙂
Thank you very much @worried-energy-90920.