Does anyone know if there are plans to add support...
# azure
Does anyone know if there are plans to add support for clientCertificateMode in Container App Ingress, and managed certificates in Container App Environments?
Hi Torgeir, regarding the managed certs there is an existing issue that is blocked upstream by Azure. Regarding clientCertificateMode, do you have a link to Azure docs or the API spec?
Looks like we do support
, it’s just in a newer API version. The default API version of the Pulumi provider is 2022-03-01 for Microsoft.App but you can import 2022-10-01 instead. Depending on your programming language it will look something like this, in C#: instead of
using <http://Pulumi.AzureNative.App|Pulumi.AzureNative.App>
you’ll use
using Pulumi.AzureNative.App.V20221001
oh, very cool! Thank you, I’ll have a go at it on Monday 🙂