Hey All, Sorry I have posted in the Go Channel but...
# general
Hey All, Sorry I have posted in the Go Channel but there isn’t a lot of activity there. So I thought. I would Rephrase my question and see if some one can answer more Generally 😉 … For context I am using Go. But I think my Question is more specific to Pulumi Types. When dealing with a Pulumi Type that is an “ArrayInput” object. Can we use native language concepts to “Append” or “Splice” These Arrays. A Specific Example. I am trying to Dynamically construct a collection of Load Balancer Backend Groups for Google Cloud with Pulumi in GO.
Copy code
Backends: &compute.BackendServiceBackendArray{}
Is the Struct I would like to Populate. I could simply say
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Backends: &compute.BackendServiceBackendArray{
					Group: "/projects/xxxx/global/backendservice/yyyy",
However this is obviously not dynamic. It I wanted to build
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in a loop; or If I wanted to Append
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into the Array. Is there a way to do this… for Example
Copy code
backend := &compute.BackendServiceBackendArray{}
backends = append(backends, &compute.BackendServiceBackendArgs{Group: "xxxxxx"})
I am looking for the correct way to dynamically build out these InputArray Objects?
@refined-pilot-45584 I responsed, things are slow here over the weekend. You just need to use the input type, and you can build it
Cheers @billowy-army-68599 appreciate that; I Guess I was hoping some one in the community from EMEA (where I am) or APAC might have seen it on Monday morning. Appreciate the response. I am going to look into this and see if I can resolve. Thanks for your help.