Hey guys, I’m loving Pulumi and now I am creating ...
# getting-started
Hey guys, I’m loving Pulumi and now I am creating another project that uses stack references to reference another one. I’m using Typescript. My question is: Is there a way to generate Typescript types for stack outputs so when using
new pulumi.StackReference
we enjoy an strict schema? Thank you!
And a side question: I am exporting an entire k8s cluster as an output (not sure if it’s the best idea). When referencing this output from another project, the whole output is a secret. Why is this? Is this because the output is a complex object that contains a secret (?) then the wrapping object is now a secret?
Is there a way to generate Typescript types for stack outputs so when using
new pulumi.StackReference
we enjoy an strict schema?
No but it's a good idea. Something we've thought about adding at some point.
Why is this? Is this because the output is a complex object that contains a secret (?) then the wrapping object is now a secret?
Yup pretty much. You can use "pulumi.unsecret" on specific parts to unsecret them if you want.
That makes sense! Thank you 🙏 congrats on our work, it’s a great product
As an aside, we generally recommend exporting specific properties instead of the entire object (so, specific properties of the Kubernetes cluster instead of the entire cluster object).
Yeah! That’s what I end up doing. Much easier, cleaner and I only import/export what I need. Sleek
I had a colleague here at Pulumi describe stack outputs as “the API of the Pulumi project”: expose only what’s needed, and leave the rest as internal implementation details. That was helpful for me, as before that I tended to export everything (just in case I needed it).
That’s a good way to put it indeed! Makes absolute sense