Hi guys, I am trying to setup a ci/cd pipeline for...
# aws
Hi guys, I am trying to setup a ci/cd pipeline for my app deployed to ecs. I am getting the following error when pulumi tries to create this code pipeline. InvalidActionDeclarationException: ActionType (Category: 'Source', Provider: 'GitHub', Owner: 'ThirdParty', Version: '2') in action 'Source' is not available in region 'REGION' The code:
Copy code
const codepipeline = new aws.codepipeline.Pipeline(
    roleArn: codepipelineRole.arn,
    artifactStores: [
        type: "S3",
        location: process.env.CODE_PIPELINE_ARTIFACT_STORE!,
    stages: [
        name: "Source",
        actions: [
            name: "Source",
            category: "Source",
            owner: "ThirdParty",
            provider: "GitHub",
            version: "2",
            configuration: {
              Owner: process.env.GITHUB_OWNER!,
              Repo: process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY!, // Replace with your GitHub repo
              Branch: "main", // Replace with the branch you want to use
              OAuthToken: process.env.GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN!,
        name: "Build",
        actions: [
            name: "Build",
            category: "Build",
            owner: "AWS",
            provider: "CodeBuild",
            version: "1",
            configuration: {
              ProjectName: codeBuildProject.name,
        name: "Deploy",
        actions: [
            name: "Deploy",
            category: "Deploy",
            owner: "AWS",
            provider: "ECS",
            inputArtifacts: ["build_output"],
            version: "1",
            configuration: {
              ClusterName: cluster.name,
              ServiceName: service.service.name,
              FileName: "imagedefinitions.json",
there seems to be availability issues in your region. From the doc "This error occurs when an ECS feature isn't available in a specific Region." Try in another region?