Hi All :) Can I please get an idea how many of you...
# getting-started
Hi All :) Can I please get an idea how many of you are living in New Zealand, I know couple of my Puluminary mates from Wellington. But would like to know overall presence of Kiwis in the slack channel, so that we can look at arranging a Pulumi meetup sometime soon. Cheers
From Pulumi (the company), we currently have no people in New Zealand. We have people in Australia though, so do hit us up if you would like a hand in organising the meetup.
Hi Ringo Thanks for the response, I work closely with Aurelien and Paul from Australia. So, they will be 100% in the loop if we manage to setup something. :) I' m really keen on starting a Auckland chapter for PUG. Regards Dinesh
Meanwhile, looping in @little-cartoon-10569 and @echoing-umbrella-72850 which are local NZ I was told internally.
Yep, I'm in Nelson on the South Island
I don't know if either of us could regularly attend an Auckland PUG. I was last in Auckland in 2018...
I am usually in Auckland at the end of each quarter for a few days (typically last tues-thurs) - currently scheduled to be there from the 26th until the 28th September (but can't make any evening events on the 28th).
I can arrange couple of venues: • AWS office, but that means we can only present AWS topics, imagine presenting Azure related topics there 😄 • I can look to book us one of the big rooms in our Datacom head office, Datacom is a massive Azure and AWS shop, we can get fair amount of people from Datacom itself.
@echoing-umbrella-72850 @little-cartoon-10569 whats ur emails?