Gooooood morning! (it's morning SOMEWHERE). I was ...
# general
Gooooood morning! (it's morning SOMEWHERE). I was wondering, if there is a way to have pulumi dump the outputs of a stack along with a description of what each output is for. This would make building my documentation website "a lot easier (tm)". Anyone played with this?
Outputs don't track any metadata other than the name and value. So you wouldn't be able to do this with just Pulumi. The actual outputs can be retrieved with
pulumi stack output
but I don't think that will help you.
Ta for the info / answer in any case ๐Ÿ™‚ I think I will play with the C# code and get it to write some stuff to somewhere that the docusaurus site can simply include it... yay for REAL CODE
Be happy to take an issue to discuss how they could have descriptions set on them as well. Sounds useful.
Where should I throw that issue Fraser?
We'll need to consider it for all languages, but that's a good common repo for it
Doing something with that link now ๐Ÿ™‚
What about a Stack README? has an example in C#.
Nice idea scott, we use that already, but we've got far more in-depth documentation, authentication and search capability built into a Docusaurus site. The functionality would help us automate updates into that documentation. Not to mention Docusaurus also handles API versioning nicely as well.
I'd appreciate any grammar, adjustments, critique on the issue if you have time. I will make the changes happily.
Ah, thanks for clarifying John! It would be cool to see a write-up of how you integrate Pulumi with Docusaurus. Let me know if youโ€™re interested in collaborating on something.
I'm interested! How shall I reach you when I get there?
Feel free to DM me anytime. ๐Ÿ™‚