Hello! Is there any plan for deprecating ts-node d...
# general
Hello! Is there any plan for deprecating ts-node dependency from pulumi typescript support? why not simply use tsc, let the user have full control over which version of typescript and tsconfig they want? for example: audacioustux/pulumi-ts-template (github.com) ( uses “NodeNext” Module resolution ) expecting some opinions on the matter. i had to dig into this because of Top-Level Await support to be more precise; and know about “--loader ts-node/esm”… also the official kubernetes-typescript template needs to be updated to use pulumi/kubernetes v4
I'm not totally up to scratch with the current thinking around this, but it's something that's been discussed a lot internally. Doing it in a way that maintains our backwards compatibility seems to be very hard, so it hasn't happened yet but we are interested in solving this.
i’ve seen some of the related gh issues (including [0]) … and i think the NodeNext module resolution (with typescript@next) may not require any significant change in the current codebase… basically what i’d propose is to only support javascript, and provide a template that has typescript config. https://github.com/audacioustux/sdp/tree/8f49271fc5ff11cea2150181cbc32404818948c0/bootstrap here for example, i had to explicitly turn of pulumi typescript support (in Pulumi.yaml)… though by “backward compatibility” you may mean a different thing - that i’m misunderstanding. [0] https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/49083#issuecomment-1435399267
also the official kubernetes-typescript template needs to be updated to use pulumi/kubernetes v4
This actually just merged this morning! So should be available now.