hey all, I'm running v3.78.1 and am seeing an odd ...
# dotnet
hey all, I'm running v3.78.1 and am seeing an odd behavior, likely just missing something here, but not getting an error, but Pulumi seems to only be considering 3 of 5 resources defined in my stack, in this screen shot at the bottom I have pulumi preview results which shows the first 3 resources in the stack, in the code view above I have resource 3, 4 and 5 showing, anyone have any suggestions for figuring out why pulumi appears to be ignoring resource 4 and 5?
Most of the company is on leave this week, so I'd suggest sticking to an old version of Pulumi if that works. I'd suggest also raising an issue so this can be looked into when everyone's back next week.
thanks for the suggestion @echoing-dinner-19531, I tried going back all the way to 3.44.3 with no luck
I'd suggest raising an issue, I've not seen anything like this before. If you can run with debug logs "-v10 --logtostderr" and attach those to the ticket (or let us know on the ticket you've got them and we can give you an email address to post to), those logs would help a lot in working this out.
thanks again @echoing-dinner-19531 - turning up the verbosity shed some light on what is happening, it looks like there is an issue with getting the log analytics workspace keys, its quite possible I may have this setup wrong, but still seems like a bug that the error didn't bubble up, I'll go ahead and file an issue