Howdy. I have a bit of a n00b question. I'm creati...
# getting-started
Howdy. I have a bit of a n00b question. I'm creating a AWS Elasticache Redis cluster (cluster mode off) but it appears the flag for transitEncryptionEnabled isn't available. I'm writing in Typescript using pulumi v3.74.0. Is this an unsupported feature or am I just missing something here? Pulumi AI tells me I should be able to enable that but 🤷‍♂️
transit encrytpion is only available for clustered elasticache, ie replication groups enabled. See the docs here:
Ah, that makes a little sense I guess. Still seems like it should be in the main resource and not in the additional resource
can you explain what you meant by that?
Sure, in pulumi you create a cluster resource and you can create a replicationGroup resource. But in AWS you can just create them as a single resource. Seems like making them separately is a bit confusing, to me at least
or do you just create the Replication Group resource and not the cluster resource?
Trying to make sure I understand what I'm doing as this is my first time using Pulumi for redis
But in AWS you can just create them as a single resource
when you say in AWS, you mean in the console?
the console abstracts away elements of the API in a way that eases these things, the pulumi provider just maps the API
if you actually inspect the browser request, it calls the API for you
Ah, I think I understand
I appreciate you taking time to explain. Thank you.
happy to! if I can help lmkj