hey all. question on the choice of language for us...
# getting-started
hey all. question on the choice of language for using pulumi - right now i am tossing up between going all in on Python or GoLang and was looking for the pros and cons of using one language over the other...speed, typing etc...any info you can share would be great as i couldnt find any details on the pulumi site. thanks
ultimately the decision you make will likely be personal preference, but some notes: • Python’s type system is not a first class citizen in the language, so sometimes the type checker doesn’t necessarily help in some complex nested situations like here: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/3767 • Go’s lack of union types and generics when we created the SDK means it can feel a little different to usual Go. We expect a release here to make this better very soon. Personally I lean towards Go because it allows you to make multi language packages to support multiple language SDKs, so if you expect to support other languages in your org in the future, I’d recommend Go
But ultimately, all our languages are supported and will be great if yoire familiar with them!
thanks is Go faster to deploy then say Python when using pulimi?
There isn’t any speed difference that I’ve noticed, no. They are all equally fast
ok awesome thanks 🙂