Hi, this is maybe a newbie question because I'm no...
# aws
Hi, this is maybe a newbie question because I'm not so familiar with pulumi/aws. I'm deploying multiple microservices using FargateService. Images are build before provisioning and stored in ECR repositories. The question is how pulumi/aws decide which fargate service it should replace? My understanding was that it will replace only the ones for which image changed in ecr repo. In my case where I have changes only in one microservice it will replace that one plus additional two, but not all of them so I have hard time to figure out what I'm missing.
When the TaskDefinition changes, it triggers a redeployment of the service. So if you have a new image tag, then you should see the version of the task definition increase in the AWS console, and the service will attempt to deploy the new task.
In my case where I have changes only in one microservice it will replace that one (it has a new image) plus additional two (which don't have new image), but not all of them so I have hard time to figure out what I'm missing.