There's an annoying inefficiency in the NodeJS SDK...
# automation-api
There's an annoying inefficiency in the NodeJS SDK, and I'm wondering if I'm missing anything. What I want to do: check current operation (or last operation) for some stacks, and if its "destroy", do some stuff. What it would look like with RestAPI: 1. List stacks 2. For each stack: a. getStack b. check
in the output c. do my stuff What it looks like with NodeJS automation SDK: 1. List stacks 2. For each stack: a.
which is mandatory for getting a Stack object. This does the
API call behind the scenes, but discards its output, so the Stack object I get (and the only Stack interface in NodeJS SDK) does not have the
information. b.
(another API call) c. check the result of the output of
d. do my stuff. It is really annoying that the NodeJS automation API is structured in a way that forces two API calls where the REST API only requires one. Is there a NodeJS SDK that is a more direct wrapper of the APIs that I could use instead? Or maybe something else I'm missing?
I wanted to open a ticket, and maybe even contribute a fix... but perhaps someone from Pulumi can clarify if this thing should be reported as a bug or a feature require 😅
I may be misremembering, but I was under the impression that
just did
pulumi stack select
, which does not result in an API call, it's just a local operation.
Seems to still be the case: So really, the REST API and automation API make the same number of API calls for this information
This calls the CLI. Do you know for sure that the CLI doesn’t make an API call? I may have misread the code.
Yes, I'm fairly certain
pulumi stack select
does not make any API calls, it's been a few years since I worked on this part of Pulumi but it's all local operations as far as I remember it