Hi all, Where is the best place to put Constants t...
# getting-started
Hi all, Where is the best place to put Constants that are static across multiple stacks? I don't want to duplicate them in configs "Constant.ts" e.g.?
Are these different projects, or different stacks within the same project? If the latter, there is support for project-level configs that carry across multiple stacks. If the former, then I believe you should be able to split it into a separate file and then
it. Just be aware of the dependency you’re creating across multiple otherwise-independent projects.
thank you Scott! my use case is for the latter situation, if possible, can you point me to the doc about project-level config?
Blog about it: https://www.pulumi.com/blog/project-config-mvp/ Docs page: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/concepts/config/ (see “Project Level Configuration” section)