Hi :wave: Not sure where to post this but there w...
# general
Hi 👋 Not sure where to post this but there was a Pulumi workshop: "_*Getting Started with Infrastructure as Code on AWS"*_ last month. The recording link was sent out via email but when opening it, it mentions the video is private. Could someone update that please? The workshop happened on 2nd of August I think
Hi Maurice! I can forward your message internally. However, I don’t see this workshop here, except one in February and one later this week. Can you double-check? Do you have the name of the presenter so I can ping them directly?
Hey Thomas, thanks for the response! Attached image - definitely seemed to be held on August 2nd based on my emails Presenter was @many-telephone-49025 🙂
Ok, I’ll ping Engin then. And it seems that we need to update our resources page 🙂
Cool, no problem! Thanks again
Here you go:


Thanks @melodic-tomato-39005! Sorry I only saw this message now