:spiral_note_pad: For both native and bridged prov...
# package-authoring
🗒️ For both native and bridged providers upgrading past https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/releases/tag/v3.80.0 introduces an important change (for bridged providers this starting with https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform-bridge/releases/tag/v3.59.0). The change is fully described in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pull/13800 and affects how Node and Python packages are generated. Prior to the change, installing the Node or Python version of a bridged provider via npm or pip would run a script that ensures that the provider binary itself is installed. After the change, that is no longer the case, and Pulumi CLI takes over the responsibility for automatic installation. In practice you may observe files disappearing upon upgrade, for example these files will be removed from Pulumi bridged providers: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws-apigateway/blob/main/sdk/nodejs/scripts/install-pulumi-plugin.js https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure-native/blob/master/sdk/nodejs/scripts/install-pulumi-plugin.js If your project is using Makefile targets that deal with these scripts, these require a small update. For example, in pulumi-azure-native we need to remove the following line from the Makefile: mkdir -p bin/scripts && cp scripts/install-pulumi-plugin.js bin/scripts And in pulumi-aws-apigateway this line is removed: cp -R scripts/ bin && \ https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws-apigateway/pull/85/files#diff-76ed074a9305c04054cdebb9e9aad2d818052b07091de1f20cad0bbac34ffb52L74
Has this an impact, if using the upgrade-provider or only on Makfile?
That's a great question Engin. I've scanned the upgrade-provider tool and it does not currently do this kind of Makefile correction for you automatically so you'd still be affected.
ok @enough-garden-22763, thx