Another point of failure on my side: In the releas...
# package-authoring
Another point of failure on my side: In the release Github Action, several packages successfully released and several not. So sometimes the provider repository github action is in failed and a strange state. Every time the gh action wants to publish the npm package, even if it is already exists in the registry :(.
Copy code
npm ERR! 403 403 Forbidden - PUT <> - You cannot publish over the previously published versions: 0.34.0.
I’ve read the guide and it appears that normally the gh action will NOT try to publish again an existing npm package because a check is done in the
file. So, my question is, why the gh action wants to publish the npm package even if the version seems the same? Second question: have you a release.yaml gh action optimized in order to not publish existing package (npm, pypi, nuget...) Thanks
Hi Aurelie, thanks for the feedback on non-idempotent behavior of the publish action I've captured it in so it gets through my team's triage and we can find out what's our current recommended best-practice here is.
Second question: have you a release.yaml gh action optimized in order to not publish existing package (npm, pypi, nuget...)
There's been some work in that direction but I'll need to double check on what remains before it's GA and recommended for use.
It seems that the trouble is related to the version: So maybe it can be useful to anyone to fix this problem. Moreover a page in the official documentation with all the possible known issues, with a latest version of the Gh actions and all the useful information we can have could be very useful.
Very good point thank you for the suggestion!