Hi folks, Pulumi has the option of publishing pulu...
# getting-started
Hi folks, Pulumi has the option of publishing pulumi preview when a pull request is raised on github, my question is will this still work if we do not use pulumi cloud as the backend (Instead use aws s3 or some other object store)? If not then how can we achieve similar functionality?
no, this won’t work without Pulumi cloud. It works via webhooks. You’ll need to post the data to a web server and post that to GitHub
Okay, thanks. Do you know any doc/blog or resource that might help in building this by any chance?
i don’t, no. It would be a very big undertaking, I suspect
@billowy-army-68599 I’m going to show my ignorance here, but it seems like GitHub Actions should be able to run a
pulumi preview
for a PR regardless of the backend in use, shouldn’t it? You’d have to view the logs for the action/workflow to see the results of the
pulumi preview
operation, though, IIUC.
yes, but the ask is to have the comments on the PR showing what would happen
Right, and GHA won’t do that on its own. OK, thanks for making sure I wasn’t missing something!
Using GitHub actions to show the preview was also the first workaround that came to my mind but as mentioned the reviewer will have to look into the github action job for preview. I am trying to hack a lambda function for it now.
I was wondering if the pulumi code for processing the webhook requests publically available by any chance? In that case I can re-use it
It isn’t, no.
Okay, thanks for the confirmation.