Hello, I am trying to import AWS Quicksight Analys...
# getting-started
Hello, I am trying to import AWS Quicksight Analysis into Pulumi, everything looks fine, I get it into file with:
pulumi import aws:quicksight/analysis:Analysis example "094764632126",9cbfe808-bf19-4c2b-bd01-146a897b8065 -o GeneratedAnalysis.java -y
but result is not working. When I try to run
pulumi up
, it says
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  aws:quicksight:Dashboard (example):
    error: aws:quicksight/dashboard:Dashboard resource 'example' has a problem: Invalid combination of arguments. "definition": one of `definition,source_entity` must be specified. Examine values at 'example.definition'.
    error: aws:quicksight/dashboard:Dashboard resource 'example' has a problem: Invalid combination of arguments. "source_entity": one of `definition,source_entity` must be specified. Examine values at 'example.sourceEntity'.
is there any way how to get full existing analysis, that I can then update/destroy/change for moving into another account? I am new to IaaC, so maybe I am doing something wrong, thanks 🙂
The result from import is basically this, only ids, name and permissions:
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var example = new Analysis("example", AnalysisArgs.builder()        
            .name("Sales analysis 2")
            .build(), CustomResourceOptions.builder()