Just out of curiosity, is there a reason why the <...
# dotnet
Just out of curiosity, is there a reason why the pulumi-dotnet GH repo doesn't allow PRs from the community? I found a very minor, albeit blocking (for something I'm working on) bug, that I attempted to open a fix for. I truly value Pulumi and would love to contribute to a great project.
Hey Phil. I commented on your issue about this earlier but just for completness replying here as well. We do accept community PRs and have had third parties raise pull requests in dotnet before.
Thanks for replying @echoing-dinner-19531. Super embarrassing, but I was having unrelated git auth issues that I had wrongly assumed was related to being unable to create PRs to the pulumi-dotnet repo 😖 all resolved now and a PR has been opened 🙂