I have tried to use the pulumi convert CLI as well...
# getting-started
I have tried to use the pulumi convert CLI as well as https://www.pulumi.com/tf2pulumi/ to convert a Terraform TF file to Pulumi TS and I get the following error:
Copy code
Converting from terraform... Converting to nodejs... error: could not generate output program: :0,0-0: unknown property 'tagsAll' among [corsRules grants objectLockConfiguration objectLockEnabled websites acl lifecycleRules accelerationStatus loggings forceDestroy bucketPrefix policy replicationConfigurations requestPayer serverSideEncryptionConfigurations tags versionings bucket]; , and 2 other diagnostic(s)
A scrubbed version of the TF code to reproduce the error is:
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resource "aws_s3_bucket" "aws_cloudtrail_logs_366995364167_751b9e02" {
  tags = {
    VantaContainsUserData = "false"
    VantaDescription      = "Cloudtrail logs bucket"
    VantaOwner            = "<mailto:user@company.com|user@company.com>"

  tags_all = {
    VantaContainsUserData = aws_vpc.rodrigo_dev.enable_classiclink
    VantaDescription      = "Cloudtrail logs bucket"
    VantaOwner            = "<mailto:user@company.com|user@company.com>"

  arn            = "arn:aws:s3:::aws-cloudtrail-logs-366995364165-751b9e02"
  bucket         = "aws-cloudtrail-logs-366995364165-651b9e02"
  hosted_zone_id = "Z3BJ6K6RIION7X"