HI everyone, I have an Access Denied error when tr...
# general
HI everyone, I have an Access Denied error when trying to set a s3 bucket policy
putting S3 Bucket (frenzza-iris-assets-1306709) Policy: operation error S3: PutBucketPolicy, https response error StatusCode: 403, RequestID: BX26C8V22KHV3Y28, HostID: nuceQUgbjzVywvNtqjtevOC0Ge4+Wv9raOCSw8zTibjvlPiHNetYhtdaN4xZqqMNcnGMYxlrGiI=, api error AccessDenied: Access Denied
. What I don't understand is that I checked and I have the
right added to my account and I can add a policy via the console and via the CLI so I don't understand why pulumi fails, please help.