Hi, is pulumi sqs updated? I want to add a lambda_...
# general
Hi, is pulumi sqs updated? I want to add a lambda_trigger to sqs but don't see anything about it in docs. I manually created a sqs lambda_trigger and did
pulumi import
to see what would happen and the output does not contain lambda_trigger in it. Do you know what the next step can be? Thanks :)
SQS docs in Pulumi and the lambda_trigger feature in Terraform docs
The link you sent is a Terraform module. To setup lambda triggers from sqs, you'll need to implement the resources; namely EventSourceMapping: https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/aws/api-docs/lambda/eventsourcemapping/ Worth reading their code for reference: https://github.com/Recall-Masters/terraform-aws-sqs-lambda-trigger/blob/master/mapping.tf