Has anyone ever encountered this very cryptic erro...
# general
Has anyone ever encountered this very cryptic error when running `pulumi up`:
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gcp:cloudrun:Service (<SERVICE_NAME>):
      error: expected property name after '.'
Additionally this error only crops up when updating an existing stack. The stack deploys fine when deploying from scratch. The service is up and running as expected in GCP, so I expect this error might be due to some status relating to the service update not being propagated back to pulumi correctly, but I'm really scratching my head on this one. Thanks y'all!
This was reported yesterday. Downgrade your Pulumi version for now, there'll be a fix soon. Or upgrade if the fix has already been released!
This is still an issue - even when using the most recent Pulumi release (3.91.0), similarly to this user. If we want to go with the downgrade approach - do you know which version we should downgrade to?
I'm also affected. Any recommendation on which version to downgrade to?
Okay... It looks like 3.89.0 works. Everything after that triggers this issue.
3.91.0 fixes it, you can roll forward now 🙂
Nope. Still seeing the problem:
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$ curl -fsSL <https://get.pulumi.com> | sh -s -- --version 3.91.0
=== Upgrading Pulumi v3.89.0 to v3.91.0 ===
+ Downloading <https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/releases/download/v3.91.0/pulumi-v3.91.0-linux-x64.tar.gz>...
=== Pulumi is now installed! 🍹 ===
$ pulumi up
Previewing update (dev)

View in Browser (Ctrl+O): <https://app.pulumi.com/###>

     Type                     Name                          Plan     Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack      gcp-py-cloudrun-cloudsql-dev           
     └─ gcp:cloudrun:Service  default-service                        1 error

  gcp:cloudrun:Service (default-service):
    error: expected property name after '.'
It only disappears when downgrading all the way to 3.89.0.