NEED HELP: I have the current version of pulumi 3....
# aws
NEED HELP: I have the current version of pulumi 3.90.1v My IAC is written in pulumi python and hosted it into AWS When I run "pulumi up" cmd then it is running extremely slow like the preview step itself is taking 10 min previously the entire job was getting completed in 1 min. More context: I am having 74 resources in my stack, this is happening only in one of my stack rest other stacks are working smooth
3.91.0 is now current. Could you re-run against latest and also let us know which operation appears to be super-slow?
Hey @stocky-restaurant-98004 , I was previously working with 3.62.0v then i thought version upgrade might solve the slowness problem so then I upgraded to 3.91.0v but still it's slow Basically I have 3 stack dev, stg and preprod and only in the preprod stack the slowness shows up while dev and stg are working smoothly.
Does your preprod stack have a ton of secrets or stack references? What's different about the preprod stack?
No it has less than dev and stg stack Actually the issue got solved now i still don't know how it's fixed... But anyway thank you so much @stocky-restaurant-98004 for your co-operation
No problem.