Hello, This is my first time setting dev env in Ma...
# contribute
Hello, This is my first time setting dev env in Mac OS, I followed the CONTRIBUTING.md. and Came across a problem! How can I solve this?
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➜  pulumi git:(master) ✗ brew install --HEAD -s dotnet-sdk.rb  
Running `brew update --auto-update`...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 4 taps (golangci/tap, aws/tap, pulumi/tap and homebrew/core).
==> New Formulae
abi3audit    auditwheel   gotpm        pan          sigstore     vulsio-gost

You have 4 outdated formulae and 1 outdated cask installed.

Error: Failed to load formula: dotnet-sdk.rb
dotnet-sdk: undefined method `cask' for Formulary::FormulaNamespacecb67604090afbe2f557478a3f2f5b268:Module
Did you mean?  case
Warning: Treating dotnet-sdk.rb as a cask.
Warning: Not upgrading dotnet-sdk, the latest version is already installed
Hi! I’m not sure how to fix this
issue, but you can just download and install .NET directly from Microsoft. The result should be the same, I believe.
Actually I just noticed the last line
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Not upgrading dotnet-sdk, the latest version is already installed
In that case you might not need to do anything.
Yes , I have skip this , I just installed the last dotnet-sdk