Hi, I'm trying to wrap a Terraform provider (<http...
# package-authoring
Hi, I'm trying to wrap a Terraform provider (https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-provider-ct) and use the resulting Python SDK to try out if it worked. The
make build_sdks
succeeds (except for C# which I don't care about at the moment). Now I tried to reference the generated Python SDK from another repository based on its path in my filesystem. With Poetry:
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pulumi-butane = {path = "/home/dev/DEVOPS/pulumi-butane/sdk/python"}
With this configuration PyLance in VS code is able to resolve the Python code. When I run
pulumi up
it fails with something like:
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error: Could not automatically download and install resource plugin 'pulumi-resource-butane' at version v0.0.0, install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install resource butane v0.0.0 ...
I followed the instructions and installed the plugin:
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❯ poetry run pulumi plugin install resource butane v0.0.0 --file /home/dev/DEVOPS/pulumi-butane/sdk/python
[resource plugin butane-0.0.0] installing
But it still doesn't work:
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error: failed to load plugin /home/dev/.pulumi/plugins/resource-butane-v0.0.0/pulumi-resource-butane: loading PulumiPlugin.yaml: open /home/dev/.pulumi/plugins/resource-butane-v0.0.0/PulumiPlugin.yaml: no such file or directory
What am I doing wrong?
@great-night-26645 the install command is not needed. In development mode, it suffices that you have
somewhere in your
@limited-rainbow-51650 I wanted to write the same thing, but it does not explain the error. It should no longer occur after an install. Thinking about that the version doesn't match, because when you develop locally you get something like this
and not a clean
or something. However, it is of course sufficient to adjust the PATH variable.
Especially for Python the version gets written to
which is used to setup the Python SDK.
So I suspect, when using the, not needed, approach via
pulumi install
, the correct version that gets displayed during
make build_python
make provider
must be used to install the provider.
copies the built provider binary. If you are iterating fast on the pulumi provider, using
is what I rely on myself.
I know, I know 🙂 You would never do that. But I'm wondering what the root cause of the error described really is.
Thanks for the quick answers! I will try my luck tomorrow and let you know how it goes!
I removed all installed plugins from the home folder and added the folder to my path like this:
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export PATH=$PATH:/home/dev/DEVOPS/pulumi-butane/provider/cmd/pulumi-resource-butane
It still looks for the v0.0.0 version though I have no clue where that is coming from. The failure is as follows:
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  pulumi:providers:butane (default_github_/api.github.com/.../pulumi-butane):
    error: Could not automatically download and install resource plugin 'pulumi-resource-butane' at version v0.0.0, install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install resource butane v0.0.0 --server <github://api.github.com/.../pulumi-butane>`: error downloading provider butane to file: failed to download plugin: butane-0.0.0: 404 HTTP error fetching plugin from <https://api.github.com/repos/.../pulumi-butane/releases/tags/v0.0.0>. If this is a private GitHub repository, try providing a token via the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. See: <https://github.com/settings/tokens>
@great-night-26645 Is this an isolated error with Python i.e. do the other SDKs show the same error?
Good question. I'll try it out with TypeScript
I just saw that you (@limited-rainbow-51650) implemented the pulumi-matchbox provider that serves as an example for me. Too bad you didn't also implement a provider for the terraform-provider-ct that is from the same context. Its one of the last pieces that keeps me from switching from Terraform as there is no way to easily convert Butane to Ignition in Pulumi
@great-night-26645 indeed, but that is part of my personal homelab effort, not part of my job unfortunately. Now, looking at your
export above, I think this isn't correct. If you started from the terraform-bridge boilerplate, the
should build your provider locally in the
folder. If you then use this:
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export PATH=$PATH:/home/dev/DEVOPS/pulumi-butane/bin
Pulumi should then pick up
from your
That's too bad but totally understandable
I was just surprised to find the Matchbox provider to be brigeded over but not the butane one
The updated export seems to have worked:
Copy code
warning: using pulumi-resource-butane from $PATH at /home/dev/DEVOPS/pulumi-butane/bin/pulumi-resource-butane
    warning: using pulumi-resource-butane from $PATH at /home/dev/DEVOPS/pulumi-butane/bin/pulumi-resource-butane

    /home/dev/DEVOPS/pulumi-butane/bin/pulumi-resource-butane: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by /home/dev/DEVOPS/pulumi-butane/bin/pulumi-resource-butane)
    /home/dev/DEVOPS/pulumi-butane/bin/pulumi-resource-butane: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by /home/dev/DEVOPS/pulumi-butane/bin/pulumi-resource-butane)
I did the Talos Linux one too, if that might interest you.
I haven't used that one before
We usually use butane configs to deploy Flatcar VMs to vSphere
That is our main usecase next to K8s deployments
But I don't see a way to do it in Pulumi without briding over the butane provider
@great-night-26645 Is the issue with Python fixed as well? Or only for Typescript?
I was looking into Flatcar as well, before a colleague pointed me to Talos.
@big-architect-71258 I got further with Python though now it is complaining about glibc being outdated ... Typescript I didn't get enough along to tell.
@limited-rainbow-51650 For deploying VMs without having to resort to additional configuration steps with something like Ansible Flatcar is great. You can configure everything at runtime through Ignition configs
But I don't see a way to do it in Pulumi without bridging over the butane provider
For building/verifying proper Butane config, you don't necessarily need a Pulumi provider. Don't forget you use a normal programming language. E.g. if you use Python, you can mix in this library: https://pypi.org/project/bupy/
I had a look at that route first but I can't use
because it does not support Butane merging (snippets), which is key for writing modular resources
The terraform provider I'm trying to bridge is quite small and does everything we need. Though I really struggle with the briding part of it
I guess you deploy Talos via Matchbox?
That is the idea, yes. But I only got my local netboot setup for my RPi CM4s last Sunday. Haven't been able to progress since then as I wasn't home for a few days.
@great-night-26645 coming back to the bridging part, given your plugin binary is now picked up from the path, does it unblock you on the bridging aspect?
We tried to use Matchbox for deploying K8s (via Typhoon) but found that it wasn't very stable and took quite a long time compared to spinning up Flatcar VMs from Terraform. That was straigtforward and took only a fraction of the time.
I first have to see if I can resolve the glibc thing before I really see if it works. I'll let you know if I make progress